Struggle and Success

Okay, a little background. My walks are usually done on our gravel driveway and the road that we live on. It usually is a least three half laps of the driveway. It is mostly flat except for one slight incline, which I didn't notice until today. Then I walk down the large hill at the bottom of the driveaway 
and up the hill on the road 
then circle around and go up the driveway. 

I say all this to get to my point. I really struggled today. I got my 3 laps in but it was very difficult. I've started using Gold's Gym on the Wii for some more cardio. Last night was my first time "jumping rope." You are given 3 minutes. I only got in around 170 jumps in that time. Unfortunately that was effort to kill my thighs so almost every step was torture today - especially those inclines. On my lap coming up our hill I remember Jacqui from a few weeks ago on Extreme Makeover Weightloss Edition. It was my first time watching it and I didn't see it all, but her struggle and pushing through on a 100k bike ride motivated me. If she can do something that difficult I could walk up a measely hill. Once I decided to push through the clouds covered the hot Mississippi sun and a slight breeze started blowing. I'm still very sore, but feel successful at least. Whereas if I hadn't gone on, I'd still be sore and feel like a failure. 


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