Little Accomplishments and High Heat

You may or not have seen this blog about 2 weeks ago:

In it I posted a few pictures of my walking route. Well as of yesterday I upped my lap from right at a mile to right at 1.75 miles. Now that doesn't seem like a big deal, but now my route includes another hill/incline. Thankfully its only a slight one. That's not the big thing though. Now my route takes me past some houses. I've been avoiding it because I am silly, but I don't like walking were people can see me for some reason. One of the great side effects of exercising/losing weight is that I don't get as embarrassed as easily. Last weekend while in Tennessee I actually wore sleeveless shirts for most of the two days we were there. We were outside on a sod farm (for a rocket launch) but we were still surrounded by people. Usually I wouldn't mind because its people I don't really know, but one of Cody (hubby's) and my friends from college showed up. It's not much, but I have settle little accomplishments. Wow... I'm rambling. I guess after writing 15+ pages (2 Final Essays and a Weekly Reaction Essay for my Summer Grad class) I'm in writing mode. 

I got up early and was going to get my walk in, but my Final was due at noon. So now its a little warm. I might try and get a mini walk in but I'll probably just Wii it up until it cools off. Although I might be waiting a while since we are under a heat advisory until Sunday at 10 PM. 


It's around 102F now (feels like 106 according to! By 5 its supposed to be 103 and feel like 109! I guess I can go for a walk after dark when it drops to 86 (and feels like 91). 

Either way I need to get up before I root to this couch... Hope you are having a wonderful Saturday! What are your plans for the holiday/holiday weekend? I'll be going "home" Sunday-Wednesday.


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