Still Alive

I knew it had been a while since I blogged, but I didn't realize that it had been almost two weeks! I went home for a few days and that got me out of the routine... I have managed to keep up my exercise (at least 30 minutes a day is my goal). Most days I have gotten at least 120 minutes. The challenges I'm participating in have really helped motivate me to keep it going... 

My husband accused me of manipulating my grandmother.... Why? I managed to get a new pair of running shoes while I was home... 


In my defense, I didn't DO anything. While I was home over the 4th (plus my mom's birthday) I visited my grandparents "farm" to walk. They have a concrete driveway plus over a half-mile of gravel driveway and paths in the woods. So I was going every morning to walk before my visit. My grandmother is a shopaholic (its genetic!). Well she doesn't go shopping as much, so when she gets the chance she pounces. She noticed my tennis shoes. She offered to buy me a pair and of course I said no. I ended up buying myself these Nike's and when she saw them she wrote me a check to reimburse me. Maybe I was a little bad, but I was planning on buying some when I hit 195 as a reward anyway.... Rambling... 

I also managed to force.... er... convince my bestfriend to go walking with me at night. I was walking 3 miles at my grandparents and then finishing up with her at night. We started out at a mile and then worked up to 2 miles by the third night. 
She's coming up next week to stay for a while before school starts (she's a teacher as well) and I'm excited to continue to help her with her journey as well. I just feel like I'm pushing her. I know she needs to come to it on her own... 

While down "home" my friend and I also visit a local yogurt shop, Berry Berry Good. They rotate flavors and this time I got strawberry/cheesecake swirl. I was "bad" and add a little strawberry syrup and graham cracker crumbs. It tasted almost exactly like cheesecake. It was probably almost the same calorie wise, but the portion was a lot larger and I didn't feel quite as quilty. I did stay within my calorie goals though. Whatever I have to tell myself right? emoticon 


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